So, I go to boarding school from September to May, and have for the past three years. I love it though, don't get me wrong. It's a small, arts school, and when academics aren't kicking my ass, I get to sit around and write poetry. The only downside is that it is in upstate Michigan, about three hours from Canada. It is cold!!! And I've spent the larger portion of my life in sunny Florida, so 12 inches of snow in one night is just retarded to me.
Thus, I relish my vacations, and stuff them as full of friends, partying and sleep as I can manage. Hopefully my sentimentalism is more excusable now.

At the beginning of summer, I spent some time in Los Angeles with my cousins. This is their dog, Yoshi, (I think.)

I saw my friend Dylanger, too.

And I paid a bouncer 20$ to get into this club, haha. Damn, being underage.

In 8th and 9th grade I hung out with these boys a lot.

After a while, I think when my dresses got shorter and my hair got longer, I was just a little too girly for them.

My friend Caleb got really fucked up one night.

wow! so many pictures. these are all so gorgeous.
Awww! Thank youu :)
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